We are Compliance Ireland

We are Ireland’s leading specialist provider of regulatory, risk and corporate governance consulting, advisory and compliance training services. We are regulatory experts. We are independent.

“We solve problems, we analyse challenges and we implement workable solutions”.

Compliance Ireland aims to be your trusted advisor. To go to the Compliance Ireland website click here

We provide AML solutions

Compliance Ireland is a leading expert in Financial Crime issues. Financial Crime means, broadly, anti-money laundering (AML), counter-financing terrorism (CFT), market abuse (e.g. insider dealing) and other types of financial fraud. We advise credit institutions, financial institutions, payment services providers, insurers, bureaux de change and others (e.g. solicitors and accountants) on Financial Crime. We also present on Financial Crime strategies to governments.

Because businesses operate on a global basis, so do we. We have provided our Financial Crime prevention services in Ireland, across the EU, Middle-East and Africa. We have trained regulators at more than one Central Bank  on.how to deal with this area.

We provide a discrete remedial action.

 As a multi-disciplinary management and training consultancy we can provide the following solutions:

• Initial and follow up advice on your financial crime obligations

• Preparation of AML and CFT policies and procedures

• Review of existing AML and CFT policies and procedures including a gap analysis on current legislation

• High level review of current procedures and report on remedial actions necessary

• Substantive review of Customer Due Diligence files

• Provide a discrete remedial action (i.e. clean up) review

• Preparation of business risk assessment

• Provide MLRO services

• Training of Directors, Senior Management, MLRO, Compliance Personnel, customer facing staff and non-customer facing staff to comply with legislation

• On-going AML and CFT compliance support to the business • Support and regulatory advice through enforcement actions

Remediation assistance and Post-rectification reviews

When an AML documentation issue or similar issue has been identified, we can assist you in quantifying the extent of the problem, advise on the implications of the issue and the most efficient way to ensure that the issue is addressed.

We have also conducted post-rectification reviews for firms commissioned at the request of the Central Bank. Our commercial background and expertise in the area ensures time and effort are not wasted on non-relevant areas and efforts can be concentrated on areas of regulatory exposure and real risk of financial crime.