Special Note for Queries for AML Seminar 8 October 2009: If you submit data to us via the webform (e.g. at http://www.antimoneylaundering.ie/AML-Seminar-Query-Form.html) to provide a query in relation to the AML Seminar on 8th October 2009, please note: (i) that all data fields must be completed; (ii) your data will be transferred to and processed by Compliance Ireland* and other speakers at the event to the extent the speakers need to see your query and data in relation to answering your query (for the avoidance of doubt you expressly agree to this transfer and processing of personal data for purposes of the performance and administration of the contract to attend to the Seminar); and (iii) for the purpose of administering the Seminar. This Special Note is in addition to the other conditions under which we process your data as set out below.  We appreciate this statement may seem a bit of over-kill, but given the nature of section 2 of the Data Protection Acts 1988 & 2003 and Statutory Instrument 535 of 2003, we feel you need to be fully informed of how we treat your personal data.  We also believe that by being totally open with you, you will continue to trust us to process your personal data.

Data Protection & Privacy

This site is owned by Peter Oakes trading as Anti-Money Laundering Consultancy Services (CRO No. 253984) of Lower Ground Floor, 13 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2, Ireland.  The owner ('we', 'our' and ''us') respect the rights of users of our website.  You do not have to provide us with any personal information to use our website.  However, where you elect to give us your personal information whether through the use of e-mail, fax, text or other instrument for any purpose, then we will treat your personal information in accordance with the paragraph below titled 'Giving us your personal information'.

Web browsing

By simply visiting our website you do not disclose, nor do we collect personal information on you.  Of course, our internet service provider will provide traffic details to us, but in such cases this does not (as far as we can control) result in us collecting your personal information.  In fact, all we shall know about your visit may be limited to the logical address (or IP address) of the server (used to access this site), the top level domain name from which you access the internet (for example complianceireland.ie, microsoft.com, etc), the type of web-browser you are using, the date and time you accessed our site and the internet address linking to our site.  We will use this information to help us to improve our website.  Cookies are not a feature of our website.

Words appearing in bold above are defined at the end of this privacy statement.

Giving us your personal information

Please note that where you provide us with your personal information (e.g. name, e-mail address, work address, phone and facsimile numbers and/or other contact information), through a facility provided on this website, directly to us by e-mail, fax or phone or other facility of contacting us (e.g. for the purposes of subscribing to our News Alert service, enquiring and/or booking a training course or other request) you have consented to us storing your personal information for: (a) processing and administration of such information to perform all necessary actions to give effect to your request, booking, attendance and collection of course fees; and/or (b) sending to you periodic information by way of post, telephone and/or e-mail of our News Alerts, details of our training courses and other relevant information (no third party will be issued your personal information unless done so in accordance with Ireland's Data Protection laws).  Please note that your consent above is provided to any successor or assignee of our businesses.  We inform all persons who submit their personal information to us of these conditions.  It is not possible to block the use of your information for a specific purpose. 

We provide a dedicated e-mail address, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., which you may use at any time to remove your personal information from our storage.  By sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. you shall lose the opportunity of receiving our News Alerts, details of our Training Courses and details of our consultancy services.  In all other cases, you are hereby notified of your right of access to, and the right to correct any inaccuracies in, personal information we may hold about you.

We hope the above is clear and that you appreciate we respect your right to privacy. We are one of the few service providers in Ireland which informs you fully and clearly of your rights under data protection law.  We hope that our honesty and integrity on this front shall mean that you continue to trust us with your personal information, knowing that we will not use it for any inappropriate purpose.

Glossary of technical terms used

web browser: The piece of software you use to read web pages. Examples are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Firefox and Opera.

IP address: The identifying details for your computer (or your internet companys computer), expressed in "internet protocol" code (for example Every computer connected to the web has a unique IP address, although the address may not be the same every time a connection is made.

Cookies: Small pieces of information, stored in simple text files, placed on your computer by a web site. Cookies can be read by the web site on your subsequent visits. The information stored in a cookie may relate to your browsing habits on the web page, or a unique identification number so that the web site can "remember" you on your return visit.  Generally speaking, cookies do not contain personal information from which you can be identified, unless you have furnished such information to the web site.

If you are still reading - there's no more to read on this page. If you would like to know more about data protection in Ireland, then you may like to attend one of Compliance Ireland's data protection courses by going to www.complianceireland.com/Training2005.html

If you intend to copy this page (in breach of copyright) for your own web-site privacy statement, then at least insert your name in lieu of 'Peter Oakes' and change the variables! And perhaps consider going to one of Compliance Ireland's Data Protection courses to understand why you are doing what you are doing??  See: www.complianceireland.com/Training2005.html